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PPTs from webinar 05.11.24

hi all, the ppts from the webinar on Meeting the challenge of energy neutrality in the wastewater sector on the road to climate neutrality are here: www.eureau-innovation.org/library/climat...e/climate-neutrality

and the chat is here with all the questions asked. You can ask, answer and share your experience too: www.eureau-innovation.org/forum/climate-...-the-road-to-climate

Webinar chat follow-up

1 year 7 months ago #239 by CarolineGreene
And here is the link to the Swedish priority list. Signed by Svenskt Vatten, the Swedish EPA, the Swedish Food Agency and the Swedish Sea and Water Authority. It is in Swedish, but hopefully it can be of help to someone!

Caroline Greene
Senior Communications Manager - EurEau

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1 year 7 months ago #238 by CarolineGreene
Hello everyone and thanks for your interest in critical treatment materials

A few questions that came from the Q&A:
• How likely are shortages of water treatment chemicals in the near future? Are water suppliers and wastewater treatment plant operators better prepared now?
• If shortages of water treatment chemicals become more abundant in the near future, how can we prevent a competition between drinking water suppliers, waterwater treatment plants and industrial water treatment?
• Do shortages of water treatment chemicals, like in autumn 2022, advocate more nature-orientated (waste)water treatment processes?
• Do we need a list of all water treatment chemicals together with a risk assessment on how secure the long-term availability is?
• Are there national requirements/recommendations/best practices for treatment chemical storage levels for water suppliers?
• Are there national requirements/recommendations/best practices for possibility for using alternative treatment chemicals?
• How the chemical supply is prioritized in the case of shortage? Who will make the decisions for prioritization?
• Production of dw chemicals is very much dependent and linked to the different ecosystems of chemical production and other economic activities not related to water sector.
• What would be the means to secure the supply of critical chemicals for drinking water production in this environment?
• How do you see future alternatives to chemicals evolving? In particular nature-based solutions?
• (When using aluminium-based coagulants) how will you deal with aluminium sludge?
• Did you (Rudi) test modified starch? It’s already available on the market and has great performance. We have some experience with it in Spain because polyacrilamides are banned.
• Could you (Klara) share the Swedish legal text establishing the prioritisation of operators in case of shortage, so we can learn from your experience?
• How do you see the trend for electrocoagulation?
• Does EurEau have an overview of all ferric salt producers in Europe? In Germany there are only 2 producers, and both produce it only as a by-product of their main process.

Caroline Greene
Senior Communications Manager - EurEau

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1 year 7 months ago #237 by CarolineGreene
Questions and comments from the webinar on critical materials. 

Dr Rudi Winzenbacher's ppt is here:  www.eureau-innovation.org/library/critical-materials/webinar  

Caroline Greene
Senior Communications Manager - EurEau

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